![]() THE BEGINNING OF BIRTH PAINS: Have you been wondering what in the world is going on? It seems like there has been a total abandonment of logic and common sense, along with anything moral. Are you wondering what you might face next week, next month, or next year if this amoral trend continues? With violence on the rise do you have thoughts of safety when going to the malls, stores, restaurants, schools, and even church? I wrote a book titled "UNLEASHED" identifying the spirit of antichrist and lawlessness that has been released in these last days. It goes without saying that in 2023 we are seeing an outpouring of lawlessness unparalleled in history except for right before the great flood. But it is going to get worse. Immorality over the mainstream media will force believers to make a choice of turning their TV off. Open acts of perverse immorality in our streets will be common and shocking. Our police force will be at wits end as to what to do, so in many cases they will stand by and watch. Christians will experience intense verbal abuse and hear blaspheme comments against our Lord Jesus Christ and our heavenly Father that would exceed the imagination of being reality. Christians will be murdered by the hundreds of thousands in hostile countries while the leaders of Europe and America are silent. Matthew 24:6-8 (ESV) And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. (7) For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. (8) All these are but the beginning of the birth pains. NOW FOR THE GOOD NEWS: The Feast of Tabernacles/Shelters/Harvest this year will start September 29th thru October 6th. I know that the word above does not sound like a blessing. However, that is not the full story. We will be a blessing and receive a blessing if we stand in faith and obedience. Blessings in health and finances, (no we are not going to all get a million dollars and a Lear Jet), however we will get the resources to match the vision God has placed on our heart. OUTPOURING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: We don't need to be rocket scientists or prophets to see how evil is spreading like an aggressive cancer. However, we may miss the fact that God is pouring out His Holy Spirit in the last days like He said He would do. I was sitting at the table working on my computer three days ago and the Spirit of God came strongly upon me. I felt an overwhelming sense of joy and revival. I believe the Lord spoke to me about this being the beginning of a renewed outpouring of the Person of the Holy Spirit and a great revival among the church and a great evangelistic movement is taking place. Millions will come into the kingdom in a very short period. The body of Christ will have the opportunity to come back to fire in their bones and excitement over being a part of the body of Christ like never before in their Christian walk. Yes many will fall away, but many will come into the faith as mighty warriors. The Word of God will go forth in power and anointing without man messing it up with his own doctrines and doctrines of demons. Not everyone will get in this new stream of God's presence but those who do will find joy and peace and will be encouraged to stand no matter what comes. THE NEXT WORLD WAR: One of the reasons God is preparing us in 2023 is for what is coming in the not to distant future. We need to prepare for a world war likened unto WWI and WWII. It is written in Matthew 24 and other Scriptures. We need to be prepared for another economic collapse far greater than the one of 2007-2008. We need to prepare for a new form of politics and government and a new order of finances. 2023 will change the face of our world as we know it. We will not do church the way we have known it to be done over the last 1,600 years with the adoption of church buildings on every corner. There is much more I can say...but I want to leave the Christians with this thought. I have read the end of the BOOK and we win. Do not fear or fret. Lift up your heads for your salvation draws near.
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